Monday, July 25, 2011

All good things must come to an end...

I guess this is the end then..
I hoped for the opposite, but you're not in the same opinion..
So I guess we can't be together anymore..

Its all so sudden and came as a shock to me..
Just a few days before we were watching Mr.Popper's Penguins happily..
Den on Saturday you mentioned it..
I tried to hope for the best, hope it was just a phase you're going through, but it turned out otherwise..
In my heart..when I read that message, the preparations are already made..
Eventhough we agreed to solve this once your account test ends, but sorry, I'm not strong enough..
During that period before today, I was in disarray, I had no appetite, I had difficulties sleeping..
the reason I went to karaoke with my friends was because I was too unhappy at home..
On Sunday afternoon, i can't take it anymore, I cried, I feel like my whole world came crashing down.. I then told Yu Pei and Jing Ying and in the night I told Xin Di.. to see if they have a clue of whats happening.. or can tell me what to do..I seem so lost..

I tried to be happy and normal, I din receive message from you saying that you reach college like normal..I got worried so I went to canteen 1 to check, you were there.. I asked you why you din send me sms.. U said you forgotten and you also just informed mami.. I don't know whether true or not.
During the break I though of our memories together, tears flowed..
Then I talked to Yu Pei and Winnie about it, the tears flowed again..
I had a hard time trying to hold on, I then decided to settle this today..
During the time you, Aki and Peki was discussing, my tears flowed again..

Honestly, I dont know why wont you discuss things with me..I was disappointed
It was our relationship afterall, and we should talk and try to settle things out..
Not that I dont allow you to discuss with other people, just that I fell we need to talk face to face as well..

But its ok now, Its all over..
Tears are still flowing,
Sorry I'm not as strong as you,
Just want you to know that I really care about and love you..
Truly, Deeply from my Heart..

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